A Deep Dive into Omega Mart

I have been following Meow Wolf for a little while now and have wanted to go explore one of their installations for years. Finally this year we decided to celebrate my wife’s birthday in Las Vegas this year and made Omega Mart one of our excursions in the city. I was a little dubious of the ticket price at $50 a head it was a bit expensive for me but we wound up spending around 4 hours total in the experience, we dove into the story and wound up getting involved in the activities and story of the place.

The artwork and experience is absolutely incredible. We had so much fun exploring the place, and after 4 hours of exploring we barely scratched the surface of all the lore and Easter eggs to explore. Overall this was a very inspiring experience and inspired me to do a deep dive live stream exploring the lore behind the place and looking through my photos and videos. Below is my live stream video and a gallery of photos I captured there!

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