Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse

This morning marks the second lunar eclipse I have captured with my camera. This time I rented a Tamron 150-600 lens to be able to capture the moon in greater detail than the 300mm zoom I had last time. I did a few test shots the night before with the 

This one was much more difficult time-wise than the last one, the last eclipse I captured happened at moonrise. This one I had to get up around 3 AM in order to witness. This, unfortunately, did not happen as planned. I am not much of a morning person and my alarm did not successfully wake me up. I didn’t get out of bed until around 4:30 AM and then rushed out of the house capturing photos at every chance I got. I stopped at a gas station and snapped a couple photos, pulled over into a few other parking lots as well as I made my way to gates pass to go capture some photos with the desert foreground. I had planned on shooting another timelapse of the event but instead only got a few shots of the eclipse sequence to work with. I still, really like the result.

When I arrived at gates pass it was packed! I was definitely not the only person to have this idea to watch the eclipse from here. It was a bit of a madhouse for parking but I managed to find a spot and get set up right at totality. It was a challenge to get sharp photos of the eclipse at 600mm because it is so faint in the sky and I was shooting at f/6 aperture but I managed to get a clear shot on my tripod.

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